A very long time ago, when the human race was on the verge of extinction the first vampires, known as Purebloods, appeared.
Purebloods are those who have not bred with humans, thus keeping their vampire blood pure.
Some Purebloods breed with Humans producing weaker vampires which have came to be known as the Noble vampires.
Most vampires have some human blood in them, but a Pureblood vampire does not.
Purebloods, like all vampires are sensitive to the sun as it only hurts their eyes and can get sunburned easily.
Vampyres usually disguise themselves in the human society, operating in darkness.
Common people probably are unable to identify a Vampyre even if they walked past each other.
There are almost as many different characteristics of vampires as there are vampire legends.
But the main characteristic of vampires (or vampyres) is they drink human blood.
They typically drain their victim’s blood using their sharp fangs, killing them and/or turning them into vampires.
There are 3 main categories of vampires:
1. Psychic vampires that feed off the energies of people
2. Sanguinarian vampires that feed off the blood of people
3. Sexual vampires that drains the life-force during sexual intercourse
There are 5 types of vampires, ranked according to the purity of their blood. The more diluted their bloodline by human ancestry, the lower their ranking is.
The Ancestors are the progenitors of the vampire race who evolved from humans over ten thousand years ago during a climate change, which resulted in the post-apocalyptic timeline that Vampire Knight currently takes place in. The Ancestors and their full-blooded offspring were later to be known as Pureblood vampires. The Ancestors also known amongst themselves as founders, due to being the very first vampires in existence.
The mixed blood of the Pureblood ancestors, and that of lower class vampires or humans, is the cause of the Aristocrat vampires, vampires ranked below the Purebloods.
The Ancestors like Purebloods are the strongest type of vampires who are blessed with incredible powers. Although they were born from human parents, they have no human blood in their lineage.
Purebloods are the highest rank among vampires. Purebloods are vampires who have absolutely no humans in their ancestry. They are the rarest, most elite, and most powerful class of vampire. The Senate holds Purebloods in extremely high regard, to the point where it is taboo to kill or even harm a Pureblood vampire. Purebloods are feared and respected, and as such, are recognized as the ruling class of the vampire race and are treated like royalty.
Since the heritage of these vampires has never been diluted by human blood, they are the strongest type of vampires in existence and have the most significant powers. Additionally, while lower vampires only possess a single special power, Purebloods have multiple powers. The powers a Pureblood vampire possesses are dangerous to both their fellow vampires and humans. Notably, they can destroy any lower vampire with ease.
Aristocrats are vampires who have a small number of humans in their ancestry. They are elite vampires with specialized abilities beyond normal vampires. The Vampire Council is usually made up from their ranks.
They are very powerful, but not nearly as powerful as Purebloods. They have super strength and speed, and they have accelerated healing; additionally every Aristocrat has a special ability, such as mind control, or the ability to freeze things. These vampires are still able to be compelled by Purebloods, but enjoy a much more independent lifestyle in general.
Commons are vampires who have a large numbers of humans in their ancestry. These average vampires are without any significant special powers. They only have the standard super speed and strength, and they heal faster than a human.
Ex-Humans are humans who have been turned into vampires. They are the lowest form of vampires and are not very powerful. Only Pureblood vampires have the power to turn a human into a vampire. Ex-humans are subservient to the vampire that turned them, being unable to refuse their commands no matter how much they try to fight. Furthermore, ex-humans can do nothing to kill their master, no matter how much they want to.
As in traditional folklore, they are sensitive to the sun and are active during the night.
However, there are theories that those weaknesses are due to their enhanced senses.
Sunlight - Only hurts their eyes due to enhanced sense of sight, and does not actually cause them any physical damage.
Garlic - Sulfur is repulsive due to enhanced sense of smell.
Loud sounds - Repulsive due to enhanced sense of hearing.
Stake to the heart - That would basically kill anything.