Language, and the ethymological meaning of words, has been distorted to manipulate our perception. By messing up our understanding of words, and language in particular, disables the later generations' ability to correctly understand what have been recorded in the past.
Mass media such as modern literature, TV and movies often bombard us with the wrong usage or waords with teh intention to mislead the readers/viewers.
A form of society having no ruler or master.
A society with the absence or non-recognition of authority or other controlling systems.
The organization of society on the basis of voluntary cooperation, without political institutions or hierarchical government; anarchism.
Without a leader, the society of people without a government.
You were made to believe that "anarchy" means "chaos" or "disorder".
To reveal, unveil, uncover, disclose
You were made to believe that "apocalypse" means "the end of the world" or "a great catastrophy".
A deluge, a flood
To deluge, to wash clean
You were made to believe that "cataclysm" means "a large-scale and violent event in the natural world".
A sacrifice by fire
A burnt offering
You were made to believe that "holocaust" means "destruction or slaughter on a mass scale" or "genocide".
Pertaining to pharmacy or the art of preparing drugs or poison
Pertaining to the art of sorcery
You were made to believe that "pharmaceutical" means "pertaining to medicine".
A hierarchically structured secret organization allegedly engaged in smuggling, racketeering, trafficking in narcotics, and other criminal activities.
A close group of people who are involved in similar activities and who help and protect each other, sometimes to the disadvantage of others.
A small but powerful or influential group in an organization or field; an inordinately prominent and controlling clique.
An organized international body of criminals, and having a complex and ruthless behavioural code.
You were made to believe that "mafia" means "gangsters".