In the scenario of SHTF, TEOTWAWKI or a post-disaster world, most people would usually think of survival skills, food & water, weapons or shelter.
But what are the elements of righteous living?
Why is Authenticity important? It is most important that what you think and what you speak/do are aligned.
Speech and Action are manifestations of your Thought. What are you, if you cannot even be TRUE to YOURSELF? Only when you are true to yourself, then you can start to embody the TRUTH.
What is TRUE LOVE? It is the absence of illwill towards all sentient beings. It includes unconditional love and compassion, meaning that you do not wish others to be in suffering. We must not confuse true Love with passion, attachment, or romantic relationship. It is Love that can eliminate Evil.
What is CARE? When you care about a person, you think about him/her and how you can make his/her life better. When you care about a birthday party, you spend your time thinking how to plan it, how to decorate, what activities to do. Care is basically the level of time and attention that you dedicate to a certain subject. You need to stop the inner chatter of your mind, and be in the present moment. Focus your time and attention on things that really matter.
Without MORALITY, people would behave like animals. The world would be a harsh place to survive. Not only do you need to survive the weather, flora & fauna, you also need to handle people that you cannot trust. Only with morality, people can regain trust in one another, start working together in cooperation, and making the world a better place. Morality is what make Mankind worthy of being the stewards of Earth.
We should not confuse Wisdom with Knowledge or Intellect. Knowledge is the amount of data, Intellect is the speed that you are able to sort out the data and process your thinking, but Wisdom is the ability to choose the correct way to do things using your Knowledge and Intellect. There is a difference in Doing Things Right, and DOING THE RIGHT THING.
Danger may be real, but fear is a choice. And COURAGE is the will to do what is necessary even in the face of fear.
Even with the best intentions, without the courage to manifest the thought into speech or action, it is futile.
In terms of survival, you may have the most knowledge, best equipment, best team, but if you break under stress, all those benefits would be of no use.
In times of tyranny under a dictatorship, it takes courage to stand up to evil, and to do what is right.
Even if you do not do anything, you have already taken the side of the oppressor.