The word "government" is commonly defined as having something to do with the political organization which rules or controls a country. This definition is extremely poor and far too limited. For example, every qualifier you can add to a country’s government which defines it as such -an organized system of leaders, legal codes that must be obeyed, a legal system that dispenses justice based upon said legal code, methods of organization that stretch from local communities to national and internationally acknowledged bodies, collection of monies form the public to be used for the behalf of the whole, social safety nets and complex welfare programs, etc.- can all be found in a multitude of private organizations.
The word “state” (aka statist and Statism) is an often misunderstood term. In the United States of America, the word "state" is often used in the way that other nations use the term "province". The reason for this is because the United States of America originally did not mean a single indivisible nation but rather a unified confederacy of individual nation-states which came together to share certain powers under the guise of The Constitution but otherwise retained all other authorities and powers that individual nations, or states, hold. Long after that understanding died the uniquely American usage of the word state has remained.
So, what is the definition of “state” and why is it important? For that we turn to the highly influential German sociologist and political commentator Max Weber whose 1918 definition is still the most widely used standard in academic studies. In his speech Politics as a Vocation, Weber defined the State as being:
"the human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory"
As shorthand, Weber’s definition is usually referred to as “the monopoly on violence.” In other words, the State is a form of government which has the sole control over the use of legal violence to force everyone living within the territory it claims to obey its orders. If you don’t obey the law then the military and/or the police show up to terrorize you into obedience by threatening to beat, cage, or kill you or they actually do those things to you in order to force you to obey them and to terrorize others into obeying by using your punishment as an example. It isn’t just the major laws -like murder or rape- that the government will kill you for disobeying. There is no law so trivial that the government will not murder you to enforce. As Yale law professor Stephen L. Carter explains, violence is the very fundamental basis of how the law functions:
“Every law is violent. We try not to think about this, but we should. On the first day of law school, I tell my Contracts students never to argue for invoking the power of law except in a cause for which they are willing to kill…even a breach of contract requires a judicial remedy; and if the breacher will not pay damages, the sheriff will sequester his house and goods; and if he resists the forced sale of his property, the sheriff might have to shoot him.”
This is another reason for defining government as we did above. While the State takes many forms -republicanism, democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, socialism, etc.- it is a fact of history that not all political governments have had a monopoly on violence, therefore defining all governments in ways that equate the concept of government and the State – such as saying that the government is the organization which rules or controls people – is nonsensical. But people in every nation on the planet seem to use the term state as a synonym for government and both being synonyms for order. This is why when you start talking about the removal of the state they think you’re talking about destroying all social order and inaugurating nothing but blind, unending chaos.
That people think this way is no accident. After all, it is the statist element of each nation that dominates the educational system within, helping to ensure that people learn to think of the nation and its government as being essential to civilization, peace, and prosperity, thus ensuring the continued existence and rule of the statist system. Though I’m sure this sounds conspiratorial to some, it really isn’t. I’m just being blunt here and not dressing the process up by using propagandist terms like “learning to love your country,” becoming a patriot,” or “being taught how to be a good citizen.” No matter how you dress it up, it amounts to condition obedience to and participation within the statist power system in the belief that it, in one of its forms, is essential to existence and being taught that wanting anything else is crazy and trying to create anything else is treasonous and worthy of death.
We The People are all born free, Man and Woman (ie we are all anarchists).
However, due to our indoctrination, we are made to believe that we are subjected to the legal decrees of our governments.
Do note that these are not Law. They are merely Legislation, Statutes, Acts, Mandates etc. We are only made to believe that these are part of the Law.
By means of Legalese, they have deceived the people into submitting ourselves into slavery.
And by willingly becoming slaves, we enter into a contract with them.
From the ancient times, the Tribal Chieftains of Tribal Villages have been manipulated by Priests.
Then comes the Monarchy, manipulated the Church, before it evolved into the various modern forms of the governments that we are now familar with.
But how you ever considered, who gave those people the right to rule over others?
By self-proclaiming that they are chosen by God/Heaven? Just because somebody said so? Who has verified that?
By might of military power? How is that different from Mafia rule?!
People who support statism might say that the government is good, and helps to build roads and infrastructure to make the nation prosper.
Well, why not just pay the people directly for the construction? Why do we need to pay the middleman who then outsources the work to ither contractors?
In case you do not know, taxation is theft. We are forced to give money to an entity, who would use violence on us if we don't.
​That is no different from mafia extortion.
We think we we have bought assests - property in the form of housing, vehicles, and even television and radio services.
Yet we need to pay taxes for them, and even need to ask for permission from the government in the form of a license?
In the current society, governments are mere puppets of the true masters of the realm. They are known by many names over the eons of time.
The Tartarian Empire, the Khazarian Mafia, the Cabal, the Cartel, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the New World Order, the Zionists,
the Shadow Government, the Deep State etc....
They have infiltrated empires, governments, international corporations, and have their operatives in all walks of life.
Statism, regardless of which model of operation it may initially use (monarchy, communism, socialism, democracy etc) will eventually lead to a development of a communist, authoritarian and totalitarian government.
This WILL happen. If YOU choose not to do anything about it.
Gang fights

The Left-Right Political Paradigm is the scam used to trick gullible people into taking sides. It is a form of Divide & Conquer.
No matter which side you take, you are basically taking the side that THEY want you to take. The other side is always the controlled opposition.
The Left and Right are like the 2 wings of a bird. But it is still the SAME BIRD.
What is democracy? Is it really a fair system of freedom as many were led to believe?
Not at all. On the contrary, democracy is simply MOB RULE.
Democracy originated in ancient Greece. True democracy is that before a new law is established, everyone has to agree to it.
Even if there is a single person who did not agree to it, the new law will not be establshed.
The Greek philosopher Socrates hated democracy. Why? Because it is a popularity contest.
The society will not be managed by capable people who are experts in the field.
​Do not be deceived by modern democracy. It is a deception. Left Wing or Right Wing, it is the same bird.
The government is controlled, and the candidates and winners are pre-selected.
It is like a popularity show - just like those talent contests on TV.
The results are already pre-determined.
Voting will be determined by whether the voter likes/believes the candidate or not.
Or whether they are receiving some forms of benefit from the candidate if they win.
Votes can thus be won by manipulating the perception of a certain vulnerable group of people either via greed, fear or coercion.
And the rest would have no choice but to follow.
Imagine you are in a group event comprising of strangers. Group A and B.
Group A has more people, who are receiving certain benefits for their support. And you are in Group B.
Group A wins by majority of votes, and gets to choose the activities and food menu for the rest of the month.
You do not get to choose, but you still need to pay for the activities and food of THEIR choice.
Most importantly, when you vote, you are actually choosing the Master that you like.
And with your choice, comes your consent. Thus, no matter what happens, you have already agreed to give away your ownership of yourself.
We need to understand that we are FREE PEOPLE. So, why do we need to choose which master to serve?
By voting, you are indirectly admitting that you are a slave, and you will choose who would be your master for the next few years.
Therefore, whatever they do after the elections, you have indirectly agreed to their judgement & decisions as you have voted for them.
In other words, you have given away your right to make a say about anything.
So how about petitions & protests? Well, it's the same thing - You are admitting that you are a slave, begging for longer chains.
What's worse is that you give them an opportunity to identify and target you.
And in protests, it is a common tactic often, if not always, used by the Cabal to have their own people infiltrating into peaceful protests,
and turning them into violent riots, with rioters burning, looting, plundering,
and thus giving the state a valid reason to use violent force on the peaceful protesters.
Evil Flourishes When GOOD MEN DO NOTHING.
"First, they came for the foreigners. But I did not speak out as I was not a foreigner.
Then, they came for the protesters. But I did not speak out as I was not a protester.
Then, they came for the journalists. But I did not speak out as I was not a journalist.
Then, they came for the activists. But I did not speak out as I was not an activist.
Then I realized that they'll eventually come for me, and there will be no one left to speak for me."
It's time to take a stand - Stand up, and stand together.
It is no longer about nationalism, ethnicity, or political affiliation. It's about MANKIND.
Kindness does not mean weakness. Being peace-loving does not mean being a pacifist.
Inaction in a state of tyranny simply indicates that you are an accomplice,
someone who enables the tyrants to do whatever they want in order to oppress others.
By not doing anything, be it due to ignorance or fear,
it may be too late to do anything in the future when others are taken down one by one.
You may be one of the Order-Followers, one of their minions....
But you'll never be part of the club.