​​​"A patient cured is a patient lost".
"There is no profit in healthy or dead people".
Pharmaceuticals are drugs, not medicine. That's why hospitals and pharmaceutical companies call their products "drugs" and not medicine.
The origin of the word is from the Greek word “Pharmakia” is translated as either “witchcraft” or “sorcery”.
The pharmaceutical industry was pioneered by John D Rockefeller. Yes, the same John D Rockefeller of Big Oil.
When Rockefeller discovered that he can produce and sell drugs created by petroleum, he began to slander and badmouth traditional medicines,
calling them "alternative medicine", while claiming that his petroleum-based pharmaceuticals are the "gold standard".
When the pharmaceutical drugs were found to be causing cancer, Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society to suppress the information on the pretense of cancer research.
As it is not possible to patent anything that is natural, Rockfeller made sure that "potential rivals" are wiped off the market.
He began a massive campaign to smear natural medicine & healing, stating that they are mere quackery.
Ancient medical systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and the Indian system of Ayurveda were accused of being unscientific.
Natural medicine that has been used for centuries, such as marijuana, were classified as 'dangerous', and made unavailable to most of the general public.
They want people to think that only the Rockefeller plastic-based pharmaceuticals are the gold standard for medicine.
After the public schooling system, Rockefeller proceeded to start public hospitals, funded by Rockefeller, of course.
As with the schools, donations and grants were also given to hospitals so that they treat patients according to the Rockefeller way.
Patients were not cured, only their symptoms were concealed, the receptors of their bodies blocked from detecting the problem.
Meanwhile the drugs created other side-effects, resulting in chronic illnesses skyrocketing.
While most ethical doctors, nurses and medical staff strive to uphold the Hippocratic Oath, they are forced to comply,
if not their practicing license will be revoked, and their hospital shut down.
Big Pharma, consisting of all aspects of medical-related industries such as medical procedures, pharmaceutical drugs, health supplements, and "nutrition", basically makes up what we know as "healthcare".
However, this is not Healthcare. It is SICKCARE.
It does not focus on our health and wellbeing.
It only hides our symptoms from our bio-receptors, manages the severity of our symptoms, which giving us more disease in other areas.
In short, the Big Pharma is about making money, and the sustenance of their business.
"A customer cured is a customer lost".
The Rockefeller family has been manipulating the healthcare industry since Day 1.
If you are observant, you would have observed that the medical industry uses the term "drugs" and not "medicine".
In order to popularize their petroleum-based drugs, Rockefeller demonized traditional medicine that has been effective for centuries as "quack medicine",
and self-proclaimed that their drugs are the gold standard.
Also, Rockefeller also started the public education system. Why?
So that they are indoctrinate people from young, to make them know what they want them to known, and think in the way they want them to think.
That is why public education is NOT about critical thinking, wisdom, or REAL knowledge.
It's about indoctrination, memorization of offical narrative, regugitation of the official narrative, and following orders.
Anything that contradicts their narrative is automatically classified as incorrect, fake, misinformation etc.
That is exactly how the Rockefellers control the minds of the doctors and medical personnel.