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The Black Nobility.png

Ptolemaic Papal Bloodlines

  • Orsini

  • Breakspear

  • Aldobrandini

  • Farnese

  • Somaglia


Saturnalian Brotherhood - The Real 13 Zoroastrian Bloodlines Of The Illuminati

  1. House of Aldobrandini

  2. House of Borja

  3. House of Breakspeare

  4. House of Chigi

  5. House of Colonna

  6. House of Conti

  7. House of Este

  8. House of Farnese

  9. House of Gaetani

  10. House of Medici

  11. House of Orsini

  12. House of Pamphili

  13. House of Somaglia



The 13 Illuminati Families

  1. Astor

  2. Bundy

  3. Collins

  4. DuPont

  5. Freeman

  6. Kennedy

  7. Li

  8. Merovingian/Reynolds

  9. Onassis

  10. Rockefeller

  11. Rothschild

  12. Russell

  13. Van Duyn







For entertainment and educational reference only.

Please do your own research and come to your own conclusion.



This website does not endorse, promote or encourage any form of violence.





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