​You see this in movies and TV series about spies and secret agents. But no, this is not fictional.
Brainwashing has been used for centuries. Research on the inhumane MK-Ultra project used by the CIA.
Their methods include using mind-altering drugs, electric treatment, sleep deprivation, and bombardment of repeated subliminal messages.
MK-Ultra victims who survived still feel the traumatic effects later on in their lives.
Here are some of the methods used:
Divide & Conquer - Nationality, Politics Race & Gender
Social-Engineering - Indoctrination & Propaganda
Mainstream Media & Celebrity Endorsements
Information Warfare, Disinformation & Censorship
False Flags & Crisis Actors
Psychological Operations (Psy-Op)
Deep Fake
Project Blue Beam
What better way to manipulate the thinking than to brainwash them from young at the age of naivety and ignorance?
“Give me just one generation of youth, and I'll transform the whole world.”
~Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”
~Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“Destroy the family, and you destroy the country. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.”
~Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
​The current education system has been financed and controlled by the Rockefellers for centuries.
Everything that we know has been manipulated to steer people towards their agenda.
Everything that we learn in school - language, science, health, medicine, history, geography, politics, and especially religion -
are basically NOT what reality really is. They are experts in mixing lies & distortions among some truths.
Our perceived reality has been totally distorted and manipulated.
Like what they say, "Knowledge is Power".
The education system is designed not to educate, but to indoctrinate the young.
It is meant to manufacture obedient workers, or rather slaves, to fuel the economy.
Critical thinkers who go against the system are often ostracized, ridiculed, humiliated, and ultimately destroyed.
As educated people, what we think we know may not really be what it really is.
And thus, they control everything in the world by controlling what you know.
People are being disempowered, conditioned into slaves that are dependent on the system, thinking that they are unable to survive on their own.​
As Albert Einstein said, “Never confuse education with intelligence".
The current education system is basically anything but education.
From a young age, it manipulates what people should know, and what is considered "correct".
Public schools have been financed and controlled by the Rockefellers for centuries.
Up until the 1840’s, the American school system was mainly private, decentralized, and home schooling was common. Americans were well educated and literacy rates were high.
John D. Rockefeller created the General Education Board (GEB) in 1903. The GEB was to dispense Rockefeller funds to education.
At the ultimate cost of $129 million, the General Education Board provided major funding for schools across the nation and was very influential in shaping the current school system.
​In 1956, the Rockefellers started Rockwin Fund, known today as the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, in the name of "philanthropy".
​Later on. the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations invested a vast amount of money on public education in order to pave the way for their agenda.
By way of grants, they spent millions of dollars, money which was used to radically bend the traditionalist education system toward a new system that favored standardized testing over critical thinking, toward “scientific management” in schools.
​Just like the medical and hospital industry, anyone who goes against the agenda may get funding and grants ceased, or their license revoked.
The education system is designed not to educate, but to indoctrinate the young.
Everything that we know has been manipulated to suit their agenda, religions, history, science etc.
It is meant to manufacture obedient workers to fuel the economy.
Critical thinkers who go against the system are often ostracized, ridiculed, humiliated, and ultimately destroyed or assassinated.
That is why children in schools are no longer taught life skills and critical thinking, but are given good grades by regurgitating standard answers.
"I don’t want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers."
~ John D. Rockefeller
"I would rather earn 1% off 100 people’s efforts than 100% of my own efforts."
~ John D. Rockefeller
Divide & Conquer is an old tactic that is used not only in warfare.
It has been the tool of kingdoms and governments for power & control.
That is why many nations intentionally create an enemy, be it real or fabricated, in order to unite the people under their flag.
It is sad that many people who claim to be 'awakened' to still fall into this trap.
Nation vs Nation; Political Left vs Political Right, Whites vs Blacks, Male vs Female ... Even the opposing teams in sports.
Yes, if you think that the gladiator days of the Roman Coliseum is over, well, the circus just changed into modern-day sports.
They are all part of the Divide & Conquer tactic.
There are also organizations used by the Cabal, such as the Black Bloc, AntiFa, and Black Lives Matter (BLM), all funded by the notorious George Soros.
AntiFa is often used as a tool to destabilize nations from the inside. Ironically, AntiFa is anything but anti-fascism.
The Cabal has always been using fear and hatred against the people.
There will come a day when family members will be turned, and betray one another & report them to the authorities.
Indoctrination works the same way as hypnosis - repetition and acceptance by the target audience.
"Repeat a lie long enough, and the lie will become truth."
Therefore, if you notice a particular message is being constantly bombarding you, try to identify the agenda.
The most unsuspecting brainwashing devices are actually in your home. Yes, it's the TV and the radio.
As you relax and put down your defenses at home, you are constantly bombarded by ideas that are meant to be implanted into your mind.
What's worse, the ideas are usually constantly repeated over time, and repetition is one of the most effective forms of brainwashing.
Not only the news and government announcements, even the drama series and movies are part of their toolkit to mentally condition you.
You would be surprised that there are so many subliminal messages attacking you on a daily basis...
Movies, drama series, and even songs have subliminal messages used to brainwash the listeners.
For the young, their favourite celebrities are used to push the agenda.
Kids not into it are often teased by their peers as 'not cool' or 'not in fashion', or simply 'outdated'.
The End Of The World is not the utter destruction of the planet, though the condition of the planet may be in a dire state.
Mainstream media often portray it as a doom & gloom scenario, calling it The Apocalypse.
However, this is not true. It is utter distortion.
The Great Reset is a phrase that we often hear nowadays.
So, what is The Great Reset? Is it just a 'reset' of society and culture?
The End Of The World is, in fact, The Great Reset - A whitewashing of history and everything we knew.
It is the deletion and manipulation of history and knowledge.
The Apocalpse actually means 'The Unveiling'. It is the revelation of what is hidden from us.
There has been many 'Great Resets' in the past. Just look at our architecture for the answer.
Why is it that with our so-called superior technology, modern-day engineers are unable to make buildings using only joint-work like the ancient Indians?
Why are we unable reproduce those Greco-Roman style buildings and architecture?
That's because those aren't Greco-Roman era, but rather, buildings from the previous civilization, whose history has been wiped from the earth, and whatever remained distorted.
Why do you think the Great Library Of Alexandria was destroyed?
And why did the Emperor Qin Shihuang of China allegedly burnt all the books instead of confiscating them?
Ever wondered how Communist countries stay in power?
Why do you thing all the Big Tech companies are censoring everything that goes against the agenda online?
False Flags are covert operations, where a government or other entity stages an attack to look like someone else committed it.
False Flags are often used as a catalyst to spark off a war, or to initiate a certain agenda.
For the well-informed, it is obvious that the Pearl Harbour and 9-11 attacks were False Flag operations used to start wars.
Wars in Palestine, Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Syria were all started with some form of False Flag operation.
Al Qaeda and ISIS are actually CIA groups planted for the False Flags.
Notice how such groups appear and disappear, then another one just pops up?
School shootings are also False Flags used to push the agenda to confiscate the firearms of the American people.
AI technology has improved by leaps and bounds. You can see from the mobile apps that can be used to change your face into cartoon characters, alter your age or gender, or turn you into a superstar in one of the music videos/TV series/movies.
It's fun, isn't it? How is this dangerous?
Not only is the Cabal using these apps to capture your updated biometric data, this technology can also be used against you in the future by putting you into scenarios that you would be innocent of.
Governments has already used this technology to produce speeches on TV. It can be used to trick the ignorant masses into believing that another nation has declared war, thus creating fear & panic in the confusion.
Operation Blue Beam is not a new technology. It has been in the works for decades.
The so-called UFO sightings are probably Operation Blue Beam in the testing phase.
Currently, Operation Blue Beam is in the phase of integrating with sound.
If successful, the targets, meaning the people, would be hearing sounds or voices directed at them.
While Project Blue Beam is mainly a massive holographic projection with audio effects, it can be used to other weapons such as explosives and attach drones to produce the effects of mass destruction.
In the near future, Operation Blue Beam is predicted to strike fear into the people in the form of an alien invasion or the descent of a deity of their respective culture.