Contrary to what many believe, man-made laws do not represent justice.
They are just rules of the game, with the chessboard as imaginary lines of the ground set by the chess-masters.
Man-made laws, unlike Natural Law, are subjective not objective, and may vary according to the geopolitical location, the culture etc.
That which is created by the People under Common Law, to uphold “right and wrong” and “justice”, and containing the precepts of Common Law:
To live honourably, to hurt nobody, to render to everyone his/her due. Case Law. Trial by Jury. De jure. The Law of the LAND.
That which is created by government Legislation for the purpose of governing Legal Persons of every artificial kind.
The rules and regulations of Statutory Acts, forming contracts by consent. Having the “Colour of Law”. Commercial. De facto. The Law of the SEA.

The governments and the courts are commercial CORPORATIONS, running under the Law of the SEA.
A de jure government is the legitimate government of a state and is so recognized by other states.
In contrast, a de facto government is in actual possession of authority and control of the state.
De facto governments are now CORPORATIONS as the authority of their contract has already expired.
Governments have been BANKRUPTED, and are now under the power of PRIVATE ENTITIES.
World Banks are BANKRUPT, and the economy runs on a system of DEBT.
​A Policeman is someone who has taken up the duty as a Peacekeeper, who pledges to protect the people and property.
​A Police Officer is a staff of a Private Corporation, whose duty is to enforce the rules set by the Corporation,
to protect the property of the Corporation, and act as a revenue collector.
​No law is broken unless there is a "victim" in that "crime".
As long as you did not kill/harm anyone, or steal/damage the property of another, no law can be said to be broken.
Not stopping at the traffic lights is not against the law.
Not stopping at the traffic lights and knocking down someone is against the law.
Statutes and Acts are legislative and administrative in nature, ie ON PAPER. They are NOT Law.
Statutes cannot work unless there is CONSENT.
Legality is a form of COMMERCIAL CONTRACT.

The authorities speak LEGALESE (a commercial form of English that uses English words, but with a different meaning)
Limit conversation with the authorities as they speak LEGALESE (a commercial form of English that uses English words, but with a different meaning)
Ask "What is the problem, Public Servant? Have I broken any law? Which law have I broken? Am I detained or am I free to go?"
You DO NOT have to provide your ID, name, address or contact number or agree to a body search unless they have reasons to suspect you of committing a crime, ie there must be a victim involved.
Ask "What is your name, where is your badge, what is your badge number, and who are you representing?"
DO NO recognize their authority. (They will use words to trick you into submitting yourself into their power)
DO NOT use or acknowledge titles such as Mr/Ms/Mrs, Sir/Mdm, Doctor, Professor, Judge, Officer, Lord, Duke, Baron, Your Majesty, Your Highness, Your Excellency etc.
When asked "Do you understand?", DO NOT say that "you understand", as that sentence would put you under their authority. (Stand Under)
Say "I am a Living Man/Woman. I do not recognize your authority, and I do not consent."
DO NOT admit that you are a "PERSON" or a "HUMAN BEING" that would put you into your legal fiction (Strawman) identity.
DO NOT CONSENT to anything.
DO NOT SIGN anything.
DO NOT go into any form of contract with them, VERBAL or WRITTEN.
Seek LAWFUL ADVICE, not LEGAL advice.
Now you realize why "You have the right to remain silent. Anything that you say may be used against you in court".
The Government and the Courts are ALL COMMERCIAL CORPORATIONS.
​When you are a Lawful Living Man, you are NOT a Citizen of your country, because Citizens serve the Government !
You can own property, travel freely, speak freely and be accountable for your own actions. You have unalienable rights over yourself and your property.
It is different when you RECORD something, ie you are simply informing the authority.
When you are a LEGAL PERSON, You admit that you are a slave who cannot own property, only manage property. You are just a custodian.
When you REGISTER something, you are actually giving away your authority.
That is why when you register for your house, car etc .... They can be taken away from you!
However, since you did not sign on the Birth Certificate, it has no meaning to you ! Be solvent !
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​THE STRAWMAN SCAM
When you are born, you were not allowed to touch the ground, thus you were birthed (berthed) and subjected to the Law of the Sea (aka Commerce).
You are the living half, while the placenta (that was confiscated by the State Hospital) is the dead half that they use to claim you as property of the State.
​Your parents have been duped by the system to REGISTER you as a COMMODITY to the STATE via the BIRTH CERTIFICATE.
Your NAME is not you, it is just your STRAWMAN NAME, usually in ALL CAPS.
Your NAME is used as an account for the government to usurp your rights as a Living Man.
Your LEGAL name will be in capital letters like "THIS IS MY NAME" or "This Is My NAME", while your lawful name is like "This Is My Name".
​Know that you are either a Man or a Woman under Natural Law.
However, when under Legal terms, you are a PERSON, or a HUMAN under Colour Of Law.
When asked to identify yourself, say "My name is [Name]." and not "I am [NAME SURNAME]".
This is because your name in your birth certificate and ID makes you a commodity of the State.
However, when you say that "your name is" or "I am called", it only says that you are called by that but you are not that [NAME].
​​​In law, a DEAD man has no rights... While you are dead, the administrator-trustee, has total control over your estate, (Birthright ownership over the mineral and energy wealth of the country you were born on) because you are assumed dead.
If you were assumed legally dead at such a young age and you never returned back to your true correct birthright legal standing without making a will or an agreement of compensation in order to enter into their fraud, (Because you were too young to know and you were never told), your whole life as an assumed legally dead "person" will be under the total control of the person that perpetrated the fraud against you in the first place.
If the registrar general of your birth certificate is a banker of the foreign private Rothschild's banking system, then that is your master within their legally dead world..... None.
The world of Mammon and usury is the underworld of the legally dead and if your equity dies (Your real body) while you remain in their system of the legally dead, so does your true God given rights that was only given to the living, die along with it.
To let go of the underworld gutter of Mamon is to reclaim your "life" but too many people love the life of the underworld too much to ever let go of the legal titles of the world of the legally dead.
Once you let go of the legal title, the equity returns on the condition you know who you "really" are, as in your real name, your real date of birth and your real number in registry... Being "BIRTHED" into the underworld is being birthed into legal death.
Also see: Lawful vs Legal: Video Playlist
"A trusted member of the Byzantine establishment, Procopius was the Empire's official chronicler,
and his History of the Wars of Justinian proclaimed the strength and wisdom of the Emperor's reign.
Yet all the while the dutiful scribe was working on a very different - and dangerous - history to be published only once its author was safely in his grave. The Secret History portrays the 'great lawgiver' Justinian as a rampant king of corruption and tyranny, the Empress Theodora as a sorceress and whore,
and the brilliant general Belisarius as the pliable dupe of his scheming wife Antonina. Magnificently hyperbolic and highly opinionated,
The Secret History is a work of explosive energy, depicting holy Byzantium as a hell of murder and misrule."
​​Research: Deed of Reconveyance To Reclaim your Rights As A Natural Living Man
The Admiralty Martime Law are very important in understanding real American History. This is what is happening right now.
The Act of England 1871 Reversed.
The Balfour Declaration 1917 Reversed.
United States is not the same as the United States of America. Constitution of the U.S.A. formed in 1776 and the Constitution for the U.S. in 1871.
U.S. Inc. United States is a corporation formed in Delaware in 1871.
All Citizens are governed under Corporate Law. All corporations must have a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasure. Hence, U.S.A. Inc formed in the Act of 1871. A U.S. Citizen is an employee of U.S. Inc.
Rome once ruled the world. Cesar once ruled from “the hill.” Washington DC (Capitol Hill), the new Rome, as Washington DC is the new Rome or Empire. Take a look at a picture of St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican Square. It looks just like our Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. There is also an Egyptian Obelisk in front of it, just like the Washington Monument in D.C.
When you set up a corporation, you must have three things:
A President.
A Vice-President.
A Secretary-Treasurer.
Just like we have with the United States, yes, the U.S. is a Corporation. A privately owned company and has nothing to do with the United States of America. The United States of America – The Republic was founded in 1776, and the United States the Corporation was formed in 1871.
Ulysses S. Grant was President of the United States in 1871 when the corporation was formed. Funny, his first two initials are U.S.
A U.S. citizen is an employee of the United States Corporation, which is a business. The word “citizen” means “employee” according to the laws of the United States Corporation.
Washington, D.C. is a foreign corporation, and it is not a State. It’s not a part of America and has nothing to do with the 50 states at all. It is where the foreign U.S. Corporation is headquartered with its own laws.
Reversing the act of 1871
"Assault on our sovereignty happened in 1871. You just don’t know that’s when the Matrix we live in started."
"Look, this matters. This matters because...
Assaults on sovereignty destabilize.
Assaults on sovereignty impoverish.
Assaults on sovereignty enslave.
Assaults on sovereignty are, indeed, assaults on the very freedom that anchors the Western ideal." - Sec Pompeo
Two Constitutions in the United States. 1st was suspended in favor of a Vatican Corporation in 1871
Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from Britain and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.
The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil – international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London ) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.